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Evan Hardy Collegiate
Inspiring Learning
News Item


Evan Hardy provides opportunities for students to act on their potential

January 10, 2017

Evan Hardy Collegiate has a rich tradition of highly respected academic and extra-curricular programs. We are committed to our school motto of "Excellence in All Things" and continue to find ways to build upon our proud traditions.

Evan Hardy is a community committed to learning and personal growth and provides an atmosphere where all students have opportunities to strive for excellence in all pursuits and to act upon their potential. Evan Hardy is an exciting learning environment and boasts many unique and innovative programs.

Evan Hardy is proud to be home to students from dozens of nations as well as all areas of Saskatoon. Students will find that all learning styles and learning needs are recognized and supported within our curricular programming. Our vast range of extracurricular opportunities will provide students with avenues to make deeper connections within the school community. Our school size, committed staff and students, and caring community help us to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

In our classes -- whether regular, enriched or individually modified -- a strong provincial curriculum blends with our school goal to engage all learners. Student progress is closely monitored and communicated with students, staff and parents to ensure learners' needs are continually evaluated, students are appropriately challenged and success is celebrated.

We offer a wide variety of programming to meet the unique and diverse needs of our learning community. From the time our Grade 9 team engages in the transition process with our elementary schools, our focus is on creating a safe and successful move to high school for students. Student Services counsellors, support program teachers and Grade 9 teachers prepare well in advance to ensure student strengths and needs are well known and accommodated before Grade 8 students reach our hallways.

Ongoing counselling and support programs are available for all students. Teachers, staff and students work hard to create an atmosphere of support and belonging.