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Mount Royal Collegiate
Inspiring Learning
News Item

October Board Meeting

October 08, 2024

The October meeting of the Saskatoon Board of Education will take place on October 15 - 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Members of the public are welcome to attend regular board meetings, and to raise a concern or ask a question about an agenda item at the meeting. Please note that all questions and/or concerns must be submitted in writing by noon on October 11, 2024. Submissions can be made here.

Meetings are held in the W. B. Doyle Board Room at Central Office.​ Please use the entrance on 3rd Avenue to enter the building. Attendees are asked to sign in and should be prepared to present government issued identification.

You also have the option to use Microsoft Teams to watch the meeting live - click on the Livestream Link once the meeting is underway. Issues accessing Livestream Link? Please email [email protected].

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