Kindergarten registration for the 2015 - 2016 school year has begun, and forms are available from our Willowgrove School main office.
We are hosting our "Sneak Peek" on Friday, May 22nd from 1pm - 2:30pm. It will be a chance for students to participate in activities with various staff members. All registered students, or others who want to know more about the program, are invited to attend.
At this time we are asking parents for their preference of Kindergarten program options on the registration form. The options are every day half day (either every morning or every afternoon) and full day alternate day (either Monday/Wednesday/alt Fridays or Tuesday/Thursday/alt Fridays). Decisions about the programs we offer will be made in the spring and based on the feedback we get from families. Under the tab "Principal's Update" is the poster for our SneaK Peek event.