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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
Project Rationale
​The City Centre Project will develop a new, centrally located school to serve the King George, Pleasant Hill and Princess Alexandra school communities. The project budget is estimated at $29 million. There are a number of considerations that support construction of a school with the latest amenities to serve the learning needs of students.

​Serving the community

Almost two-thirds of students currently attending the three schools self-identify as Indigenous. A new school will be designed in consultation with Elders, community and partners. It will provide facilities and opportunities for ceremony and strengthen the work to support Indigenous students.


The school division has consistently maintained the three facilities. However, the age of the buildings has resulted in an estimated $68 million in deferred maintenance costs for such things as mechanical and electrical system replacement, wheelchair accessibility and repairs to the building envelope.


The Government of Saskatchewan has committed capital funding for the construction of a new school with capacity for 400 students. Anticipated initial enrollment is 350 students.


Learning and other activities at Princess Alexandra utilize less than two-thirds of the available space. Fifty-three per cent of available space is used at Pleasant Hill and just 35 per cent at King George.