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Elementary programs offer unique experiences to students

February 28, 2022

SPS_425x325_UniquePrograms.jpgFive programs that offer Saskatoon Public Schools' elementary students specialized learning experiences are accepting applications for the 2022-23 school year.

Four Grade 8 programs — Creative Action, Ecoquest, ScienceTrek and Let's Lead-Nīkānētān — along with the iGen program for Grade 6 engage students in learning opportunities filled with unique, hands-on experiences. The programs are open to any Saskatoon Public Schools' student; however students must apply to be a part of the programs.

Creative Action at North Park Wilson School that welcomes students who have shown leadership potential and a desire to cultivate their passion in the arts to make a difference in their community. Students collaborate with a variety of artists/partnerships while working on curriculum in a creative and experiential classroom. Applications and information are available on the program website. Deadline is April 29, 2022.

The Ecoquest program is based at City Park School, but its mobile classroom approach to education allows students to experience everyday adventures while learning in urban and wilderness settings. Learning experiences are based on seasons, student ability, and the focus of study. Applications and information are available on the program website. Deadline is April 29, 2022.

Based at Westmount Community School, Let's Lead—Nīkānētān is a full-year program for students who want to learn through hands-on, out-of-school experiences. The program is particularly geared toward students who have leadership potential but may not have been able to develop it due to financial barriers. Applications and information are available on the program website. Deadline is April 29, 2022.

ScienceTrek combines hands-on science opportunities with outdoor pursuits to create an exciting learning environment. Located at Montgomery School, ScienceTrek is a field-based science program created to inspire students to grow academically, socially, personally, and culturally. Applications and information are available on the program website. Deadline is April 29, 2022.

iGen, short for Intergenerational Classroom, brings Grade 6 students together to spend a full school year in a unique classroom experience at Sherbrooke Community Centre. Students learn and work with their teachers alongside Sherbrooke residents and staff. Current Saskatoon Public Schools' Grade 5 students are invited to apply. Applications and information are available on the program website. Applications must be received by April 28, 2022, at École College Park School. 

More information on Saskatoon Public Schools unique programs for elementary students is available on the program websites. Information on these programs and other unique learning opportunities in Saskatoon Public Schools is also available in our Unique Programs Handbook