What is PSST World - our anonymous reporting tool?
PSST World is an online safety tip reporting tool designed to support safer schools. It provides a channel for students and their families to report student/school safety concerns. Reporters can remain anonymous or provide their name.
Students and families are always welcome to report their concerns to a teacher, school administration (principal or vice-principal), or the Saskatoon Public School Division. This is just one more channel and one that affords the reporter anonymity (if they wish). The platform allows reporters to attach a screenshot, picture or video.
What are some examples of things that might be reported via the PSST World platform?
Any concern can be reported via PSST World. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Violence or fighting
- Threats
- Harassment
- Mental health concern
- Bullying or cyberbullying
- Inappropriate sexual behaviour
- Racism or discrimination
- Drugs or alcohol
- Weapons
- Vandalism or property damage
What happens with the reported concerns? Please note that this tool is not monitored outside of school hours and is not for emergencies, which should be reported to
police or
mobile crisis.
Reports are forwarded to Safe, Caring and Accepting Schools team members who then share them with the appropriate school administration and provide support with the response. If the reporter provided their name, administration may follow up to get more information.

Why is an anonymous reporting tool important? - Improved school culture and climate.
- Students are given a voice and a safe way to connect to trusted adults who care.
- Early identification of issues.
PSST World provides a solution for those who have something to report and don't feel comfortable approaching someone in person. It gives students a mechanism to do the right thing and let an adult know about something concerning they see or hear about, in an anonymous and safe way.
How do I report a concern using PSST World? Navigate to
PSSTWorld and click REPORT IT NOW!