Grades One to Eight
Transportation is available on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 5, 2017 for students in grades one to eight who are already registered for bus service. This means the students either:
- rode the bus at the end of the 2016-2017 school year and still qualify for transportation to their school with the new busing changes; or
- are newly registered for bus service and have been contacted with bus stop location and time information by the bus company.
- The full map of our school's busing zones can be downloaded at this link.
There will not be any kindergarten transportation provided Tuesday, September 5, 2017. This morning is an optional come and go for parents to attend with their child.
Busing is available for students in kindergarten at group bus stops effective Wednesday, September 6, 2017. For a student to ride the bus they need:
- to be registered for busing; and
- the family/caregiver contacted by the bus company with bus stop information. It is the responsibility of the family/caregiver to ensure a student accesses the bus only when they have classes during staggered starts.
New Access to Bus Service
It takes a minimum of two full school days from the time a new request for transportation is submitted to the bus company until the student is able to ride the bus, and up to a week at the start of school. Therefore if new families require bus service and qualify for transportation, requests should be completed asap at the main office.