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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
Early Learning and Child Care
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Early Learning and Child Care centres support families and communities by promoting high-quality care for children in healthy, safe and nurturing environments. They also promote learning and development in young children. A list of regulated centres in Saskatchewan is located here

​​The following Saskatoon Public Schools are home to Early Learning and Child Care centres, operated by private organizations. 

École Alvin Buck​wold School
​​Eastview Centre for EarlyLearning​ 
306-683-8393 ​​​​​​ [email protected]
​Brevoort Park School
Parents' Chil​d ​Development
Co-operative​​ ​

[email protected]
​Caroline Robins School
​Oak Trees and Acorns Child Care Centre
[email protected]
​​Chief Whitecap School
Preston Early Le​arning Cen​​tre​​​​

​​​​ [email protected]
​​Colette Bourgonje School
​Navera Comm​unity Connections​​​
​​Ernest Lindner School

​​​Tykes & Tots Early Learning

[email protected]
​​Holliston School
​​​​​​​Preston Early Learning Centre​
[email protected]
​​Lester B. Pearson School
Spadina Early Learning & Childcare
​​[email protected]
​Queen Elizabeth School

​Saskatoon Open Door Early Learning Centre​ ​
[email protected]
​Sylvia Fedoruk School

​BGC Sas​katoon​

[email protected]
​W. P. Bate School

​Spadina Early Learning & 

​306-683-8644  ​[email protected]
​Willowgrove School

Preston Early Learning Centre​
[email protected]