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Buena Vista School
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Trustees learn about science kit program, COVID-19 response

December 01, 2021

Montgomerynews1.jpgA connection to science and hands-on learning at Montgomery School is being shared throughout the school division, trustees were told during the Celebrating Excellence portion of the Board of Education's Nov. 23 meeting.

The school's maker's lab offers learning activities in three forms: tinkering to learn, making to learn, and application projects. During the pandemic, Vice Principal David Crowell adapted the program to create a science kit loaner program that will be shared with other elementary schools. Teachers that borrow the kits also receive access to lessons and assessment materials. In return, teachers and students who access the materials are asked to give back by adding to the collection of resources.  

Other meeting highlights included:

  • Trustees were updated on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of the meeting, the school division had been notified of 300 COVID cases this school year, with 84 per cent of positive cases in elementary schools. That marks a shift from 2020-21 when more than 60 per cent of positive cases were in collegiates. With approval of a COVID vaccine for children ages 5-11, the Saskatchewan Health Authority is expected to hold vaccination clinics at some elementary schools. Clinics are operated by the SHA and will be held outside school hours so parents/caregivers can be with their children if they choose to have them vaccinated.
  • The board received information about a proposed memorandum of agreement between Saskatoon Public Schools, Meewasin, and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools. The MOU is designed to recognize and enhance the long history of collaboration between the organizations and further areas of common interest such as land-based education, professional development, and initiatives in language, culture, and reconciliation.

Reports and information presented at board meetings can be found at The next meeting of the Board of Education is Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021. Members of the public may attend regular board meetings virtually. Please contact  Estelle Allington, executive assistant to the Board of Education, to request a link to the virtual meeting.