- Before and after school care
Early learning and child care
Strong literacy focus, with a Literacy for Life program
Fully integrated reading instruction program
Math education program
Technology literacy and integration
Innovative learning software used in classroom work and the resource program
Strong curricular orientation to integration and inquiry
Intensive staff development in research-based instruction and assessment
Focus on integration of First Nations treaty literacy
Supervised lunchroom for a fee
Care Partners program
Regular physical education instruction from a physical education specialist for all
kindergarten to Grade 8 students
Out-of-school education program to take advantage of learning opportunities in the community
Assemblies with all kindergarten to Grade 8 students
Cultural programs and shared cultural experiences to reflect the many countries and cultures in our school
Library technician, resource teacher, English as an Additional Language teacher, arts education specialist, school counsellor, speech and language pathologist, educational psychologist, community health nurse
Consultants in all subject areas
Large, well-equipped gym and stage area
Athletics (e.g., basketball, volleyball, indoor and outdoor track, cross-country)
School band (grades 6 to 8) and choir
Play day
Learning Resource Centre
Spirit days and hot lunches
Wireless access for all students
Large school grounds, outdoor rink and enhanced creative playground
Indoor recess activities on indoor days
Mobile wireless laptop computers