Silverwood Heights School is a very exciting place to learn!
We believe in every child and know they have the ability to be successful. We value relationships and collaboration. We work diligently to ensure our students have frequent and varied opportunities to learn both within the classroom and outside of the school. We encourage our students to interact and connect through classroom learning, as well as during extracurricular activities and recess breaks. We continually create opportunities for our students to be their best and to engage in learning. Our students thrive in such an environment, and we are impressed daily with their ability to explain what they are learning, to know how they are doing and to articulate how they will know if they have been successful.
By focusing on excellence we continue to build a positive and inclusive culture. Silverwood Heights School is a vibrant place for children and adults. When you walk through our school you will see students actively engaged in learning. Although students are being challenged with their learning you will see smiles and hear laughter. Each of our students knows they are capable, and support is available when required.
We work diligently to ensure our school is a safe and peaceful environment. We celebrate our diversity and what makes each of us different is special. We want every child to be confident and thriving. We teach about positive peer relationships, friendships, being assertive and creating win-win situations. We promote socialization and being active at recesses by asking that cell phones be left at home. When conflict arises, we deal with it by working with all students involved and ensuring families have the necessary information to be part of our team. We believe open and ongoing communication between home and school is critical to student success, both academically and socially.
We value working alongside parents and caregivers as partners in your child’s education. Please
contact us to discuss learning opportunities at Silverwood Heights School. We look forward to hearing from you!