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W.P. Bate School
Inspiring Learning
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About Our School
​​​​​​​W.P. Bate School, which opened in 1962, is a vibrant and energetic community school. We celebrate the wide diversity of students and families who are part of our community. We have many families new to Canada who bring with them their rich cultural traditions. We honour the cultures of all our students, and we nurture an environment of mutual respect and understanding of differences that make all of us more accepting of one another.
We are fortunate to have developed several partnerships that promote health and wellness in our community. We have an immunization clinic on site serviced by a public health nurse. Our school also has a pediatrician's office, child psychologist and a social worker/counsellor to enhance the physical and mental well-being of our students and their families.
Our staff is committed to excellence in academics. They are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to engage students in their learning and hold high standards for achievement. We use Professional Resources and Instruction for Mathematics Educators (PRIME) as an instructional resource in mathematics. We focus heavily on literacy initiatives (literacy for life is a Saskatoon Public Schools priority), such as the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), Read to Succeed and Just Read.
Our school boasts an active community office that organizes countless programs, which enrich the lives of our students and their families. After-school programs such as soccer, basketball, baseball and hockey are popular among students. Other global community events such as Friends Around the World, Winter Family Night and our community barbecue provide fantastic opportunities for building community among our students and their families.
Our school motto is "We Believe, We Achieve Together." This motto is lived out every day in the actions of our staff, students and families as we seek to make W.P. Bate School a place where learning, inclusion and caring are the ideals to which we aspire.