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Buena Vista School
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Community partnerships highlighted for Board of Education

April 28, 2022

partners_news.jpgThe contributions to students and learning made possible by partnership organizations were shared with trustees during the April 10 meeting of the Saskatoon Board of Education.

The school division's Partners 2021-22 document highlights the community connections that enhance academic excellence, character, engagement, and well-being.

Building partnerships within the wider community allows division staff to best serve students, families, and communities. Through the generosity of its partners, Saskatoon Public Schools can broaden the capacity of public education and provide experiences, resources, and services that support students' academic, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.

The list of 40 partnerships for the current school year includes agencies and organizations that provide important support in areas such as health, culture, academic opportunities, safety, career education, and reconciliation initiatives. The complete partnership document can be viewed on the school division website.

In the same spirit, the Celebrating Excellence portion of the meeting highlighted the important work done by the Saskatoon Industry-Education Council (SIEC) during its 24-year partnership with the school division. Students are provided with unique, hands-on career exploration events and programs. These opportunities help them find a career that connects their passion and natural talents with current and future workforce needs. Representatives from the SIEC, along with a teacher and three Grade 8 students from Lakeridge School, spoke with trustees about the benefits of this partnership.