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North Park Wilson School
Inspiring Learning
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​​​Greetings from our school's administrative team!

Welcome to North Park Wilson School, the Little School with the Big HeART! We are proud to be the administrators of such a diverse, vibrant school community.
North Park Wilson School offers rich and strong academic programming. Our ongoing focus continues to be strengthening our students' literacy and mathematics skills. We are a Centre of Excellence through the Arts! Integration and student engagement are key components of how our school offers students the opportunity to develop their artistic habits of mind (i.e., collaboration, communication, embracing alternative perspectives, critical and creative thinking, and risk taking) in all subject areas.
Our school is an active place where extracurricular activities are celebrated. These may include basketball, chess club, choir, cross country, intramurals, jazz band, student leadership team (SLT), track and volleyball. North Park Wilson showcases our student talent at an annual arts festival and musical production.

We are proud of North Park Wilson. We have great kids and wonderful parents, and we strive for success on a daily basis. Our School Community Council​ has a strong tradition of being partners in learning with our staff and students. If you are interested in becoming part of our school family, please contact us.