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Nutana Collegiate
Inspiring Learning
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The program name MAGPIE—Manifest Academic Growth and Promote Indigenous Excellence—says it all. MAGPIE is designed to provide a transformative experience for youth in an urban school setting. Through this program, youth embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration, where they are encouraged to foster meaningful connections with themselves and their communities. The program aims to revive traditional kinship systems and cultural practices, and to help youth develop a strong sense of identity and belonging. 

MAGPIE is grounded in cultural principles and spiritual beliefs, enabling youth to collaboratively make a positive impact on their peers and future generations. This immersive experience provides youth with a safe and supportive environment to learn and grow, where they are encouraged to express themselves freely and creatively. Through MAGPIE, youth develop a range of skills and competencies, including leadership, communication and teamwork. They also gain a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage and traditions, helping them navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and resilience. MAGPIE is a unique and transformative experience that empowers youth to become agents of change in their communities and beyond, and to become the next generation of leaders and change makers.

MAGPIE is for youth who: 
  • Want to revive and reaffirm their unique identity and sense of belonging within their community. 
  • Have demonstrated an ability to guide and inspire others within their respective schools and are seeking to cultivate leadership skills with a focus on cultural proficiency.
  • Display a genuine interest toward artistic expressions of various Indigenous cultures, encompassing both traditional and modern art styles and practices. 
  • Aspire to enhance their knowledge and actively participate in ceremonial gatherings and various cultural celebrations.
  • Enjoy the outdoors, display a curiosity for land stewardship and yearn to re-establish a connection with the land.
  • Recognize the importance of preserving the rich cultural traditions and languages of Indigenous nations.
  • Have a desire to be proactive and become an involved member of the community.


  • Be immersed in a wide range of cultural arts, including traditional and contemporary art practices in music, dance, theatre and design.
  • Amplify your voice: Be empowered to shape your own narrative and help preserve and uphold the legacy of Indigenous wisdom and resilience.
  • Receive traditional teachings from Elders and knowledge keepers.
  • Revitalize and foster a deep connection with nature and all forms of kinship.
  • Honour ceremonies and traditions, and advocate for comprehensive holistic wellness practices.
  • Acquire a wealth of knowledge and reconnect to ancestral ways of knowing and being.


Students can earn up to four credits, including:
  • Indigenous Studies 20 or 30
  • Culture Arts 30
  • Leadership 30
  • Practical and Applied Arts 30 

Open House

A combined open house for Grade 11 programs including MAGPIE, HCAP, Media School, and Outdoor School will be held at Evan Hardy Collegiate on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 6:00 pm.​​​


To apply, click her​e​. The application deadline for the 2025-2026 school year is March 28, 2025.

MAGPIE is open to all Saskatoon Public Schools students in grades 11 and 12. Students must attend Nutana Collegiate during their time in MAGPIE. 

For more information, please cont​​act us.