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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
English as an Additional Language
​​​Saskatoon Public Schools offers support to students who are learning English. 

The goal of our English as an Additional Language (EAL) program is to enable English-language learners to succeed academically and complete graduation requirements. Programming at elementary and secondary schools varies depending on the needs of the student and the specialized teacher support available at each school. When determining programming for students, the following are considered:
  • Age
  • Language ability
  • Prior schooling
  • Student goals. 

At the secondary level, support for EAL students is provided in two ways.
  • Direct instruction: These classes focus on language proficiency: the ability to speak, read, write and listen with comprehension. Direct instruction classes take themes from English language arts, math, science and social studies to build the vocabulary and academic skills necessary for students to fully integrate into the regular classroom. Most direct instruction classes provide an elective credit.

  • EAL support: This is a period in which students receive additional time and assistance to complete course work from their classes. There is no credit for this class.
Learning a language is a process that takes a lot of time and hard work. The speed at which a student learns is affected by many factors. Students at the secondary level are encouraged to consult with their EAL teacher and/or student services to choose their classes. ​


For more information, please contact your respective elementary or secondary school. You may also contact the Newcomer Student Centre at 306-683-8400 or [email protected].