In order to maintain stability for student learning and staffing, Saskatoon Public Schools has an established practice for transfers between in-school and online learning.
Collegiate students can transition between face-to-face and online learning at the beginning of each new quint.
Registration for Quint 1 online classes has closed and the deadline to register for Quint 2 online learning is noon on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020. Quint 2 begins on Oct. 30. The full collegiate quint calendar is available here.
This practice benefits students and staff alike. Students achieve their best when they have steadiness in their learning environment and classroom relationships. It also provides stability to class composition and staffing in schools and online learning.
Students who are new to Saskatoon Public Schools can register at their school of choice for in-person learning or through the Online Learning Centre Secondary (OLCS) for online learning.