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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
News Item

Division shares design options for City Centre Project

November 01, 2021


Saskatoon Public Schools is sharing preliminary design options for the new centrally located school.

The two designs were developed following consultations with students, staff, stakeholders, an Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers advisory group, and feedback gathered through a public survey. The designs provide different options for the layout of the building and exterior spaces, its position on the site, and how programming and partnership spaces could work.

Referred to as the City Centre Project until it is officially named, the new school will bring together the school communities of King George, Pleasant Hill, and Princess Alexandra schools. In the spring of 2021, the Board of Education chose the current site of Princess Alexandra in Riversdale for the location of the new school.

CityCentreDesign -Diagonal_news.jpgThe designs are available for viewing on the City Centre website

Public open houses were held Nov. 2-4, 2021, and students and staff members at each of the three schools were given an opportunity to view the designs and provide feedback prior to the public open houses. All feedback will be compiled to help the school division choose one design to move ahead into the next stage of development.