The Saskatoon Board of Education has approved the site of Princess Alexandra School as the location for the City Centre Project.
At a meeting held June 1, trustees rescinded a motion passed on May 11 that called for further consideration of the Optimist Park site for the City Centre Project. In its place, trustees approved Princess Alexandra as the location of the new school. The new facility will bring together the school communities of King George, Pleasant Hill and Princess Alexandra, with potential partners providing additional supports for students and families.
"When building a new school, we are making a commitment to the community for generations," said Board Chair Colleen MacPherson. "Trustees wanted to give appropriate time and consideration to the best possible location for our new school. In the end, we agreed the Princess Alexandra site provides an optimal location for a supportive learning facility that welcomes community partners to provide wrap-around services for our students and families."
While the Princess Alexandra site was the original proposed location for the new school, the board expanded consideration to other sites after hearing feedback from the community. Along with the Princess Alexandra site, the board carefully studied Optimist Park, which is owned by the City of Saskatoon. The school division would have required approval from City Council to build a new school at Optimist Park.
"After looking carefully at Optimist Park and reviewing all the feedback we've received about both potential sites, our board agreed the Princess Alexandra site is the best location. This site has been a home to students for almost 60 years, provides great potential for community partnerships and aligns with both our vision and the ambitious schedule for this project," said MacPherson.
As the design stage moves forward, opportunities for engagement with students, families, elders and the community will continue in the coming weeks and months. The new school is expected to open in fall 2024. More information about City Centre project can be found at www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca/citycentre