Online learning delivered by Saskatoon Public Schools teachers will be available for kindergarten to Grade 12 students during the 2021-22 school year.
The school division has expanded its programming to accommodate families choosing online learning. Programming is developed by SPS teachers and is available is at no cost to families and students under the age of 21 through the Online Learning Centre (OLC).
Registration for the Elementary Online Learning Centre closed Wednesday, Sept. 1. Please contact your neighbourhood school if you have not yet registered for the 2021-22 school year. Our school staffs are ready to help.
The deadline to register for Quarter 1 high school courses is Tuesday, Sept. 7.
Saskatoon Public Schools' OLC provides learning through a combination of daily, real-time instruction (teacher online with students at the same time) and asynchronous learning where students access course content on their own at any time.
Registration is open for the upcoming school year and families are asked to make an informed decision to participate and commit to online learning. Registration and enrolment commitments are critical in order to allocate staffing resources to meet the needs of students. Students and families should be prepared for the requirements of virtual learning and students will be expected to engage in daily virtual instruction.
Collegiate Program
The high school year will operate on a quarter system for 2021-22 with students able to take full-time online classes or combine online learning with in-person classes at their home collegiate. Students will be able to take two classes each quarter and will need to dedicate at least two hours each day for each class. Full-time students will be able to take a ninth and 10th class over 20 weeks each, where at least one hour per day will be needed.
The deadline for Quarter 1 registration is Tuesday, Sept. 7.
High school online programming is delivered through the Blackboard system and students will require access to a computer and the internet.
Grade 9 students will take all required Saskatchewan curriculum areas of study along with electives. Students in Grade 10-12 can choose from a selection of more than 40 required and elective courses to meet graduation requirements and may also be able to access courses not offered at their home collegiates.
High school students wishing to register for online learning on either a full- or part-time basis should fill out the Grade 9-12 registration form. Please inform Student Services at your home collegiate of your intent to register with the OLC virtual school. Students registering on a part-time basis may choose to make an appointment with their collegiate counsellor to discuss their graduation plan prior to registering. To make an appointment, contact your collegiate.
Elementary Program
Registration for the elementary online program closed Wednesday, Sept. 1. The elementary program for kindergarten to Grade 8 offers full-time English stream and French immersion classes with fully online delivery. Students receive instruction in all required Saskatchewan curriculum areas of study. Students use Google Classroom and additional technology tools to facilitate learning.
The virtual OLC classrooms will be comparable in size and composition to other elementary classes in the division and will include students from several areas of the city. The exact composition of virtual classrooms will be based on enrolment. Families are asked to commit to register their students until at least Jan. 31, 2022. If a transition to in-person learning is requested, the OLC will work to transition students as seamlessly as possible, preferably at that time. Transfers between in-person and online programs will not be available after Jan. 31, 2022.
More information regarding kindergarten to Grade 8 online learning can be found here: at and in the family OLCE Handbook 2021-22.